5 Tips to Successful Blogging

Want to know the secret recipe for successful blogging that can help your business make money? Here it is: be relevant and available. That’s it. That’s the secret. Ok, bye.

Oh, you want to know more, do you? I get it. Blogging seems easy, and it can be, once you know how to do it. If your goal is to write a blog that will actually generate interest in your business and lead to more customers and more money, there are a few things to know before you get started.

Here are our top five tips to help you start a successful blog in 2019.

1. Don’t Just Blog About Your Business

A blog might seem like a great way to demonstrate how you excel at your craft, but the reality is that most people don’t want to read 800 words about how good you are at painting houses or selling used cars. Not even your doting mama will come back for a second helping of braggadocios blogging. Instead, you want to find out what else your customers care about and tailor your content to those interests. It’s ok to pitch here and there, or celebrate a unique success that your customers might want to hear about, but if your only blog strategy is “I’m the best and here’s why,” you’re going to struggle to find your audience.

Before you jump in with both feet, take a look at number two…

2. Create a Blog Strategy

Your blogging strategy has three key elements: timing, content, and relevance. All three of these pieces need to form a symbiotic cohesion to be successful, but they break down like this: timing is when and how often you post; content is what you’re writing about; and relevance is tailoring the first two to target your ideal customer at the most opportune time, or to be available when they’re looking. To some extent, finding relatable topics for your customers can be fairly intuitive  — like if you own a pet-washing business, you can also write about seasonal safety tips or review different dog foods. The other pieces tend to require more expertise to really get right.

Which brings us to tip number three…

3. Invest in SEO

Yes, SEO is important for blogging! Not only does a solid SEO strategy provide keywords that help your blog be seen by people who are actually looking for what you’re offering, it can also tell you how to utilize other pieces of your online presence, such as social media, to enhance your blog’s reach and improve overall performance. Some strategists can even tell you what else people are searching for when they’re in need of your business, so you can reach people who didn’t even know they could benefit from your service — also known as being available.

If you’re wondering how to reach people who don’t even know they need you in their life, head down to tip number four…

4. Be an Idea Innovator

What’s an “idea innovator?” you might ask? It’s a thought leader, but we innovated that played-out jargon and came up with a new idea. Get it? Let’s break it down: the internet is full of people who are already talking about most things under the sun, so if you want to lead the way toward a new way of thinking about something, you’re going to have to get creative.

For instance, if you want to promote your salon, you can review different styling products to demonstrate your expertise and experience. Has this been done already? Ummm, yes. Yes, it has. So, if you want to be seen, you’ll need to come at your list from a unique angle. Maybe your reviews are based on zodiac signs or your favorite kind of cheese, but whatever it is, make it original.

Want a fifth tip? Here it is, friend…

5. Hire a Professional

Remember how I said not to just talk about yourself unless it’s actually helpful to your reader? Tada! Here I am, talking about myself because I can help your blog be successful. Running a blog can be a lot of fun if you have enough ideas and time to stay on top of it  — which really is a lot easier said than done. Most strategists will recommend posting about an 800-word blog at least once a week about a variety of relevant topics, a custom cover photo, and have corresponding social media boosts with an eye-catching image and keywords to promote each posts for all your major profiles, like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

Can you do this on your own? Absolutely! But ask yourself this: do I want to do this on my own? If you already operate your own business and have basic human needs like rest, food, and water, you could probably benefit from a little help. You can hire a professional blog writer, like Joslyn from Honey + Hare (that’s me!). If you just want help getting started, I can provide a strategy, write a calendar, and even provide templates you can use to create your own blogs. Or, if you want the VIP experience, I can do it all for you! Topics, calendars, keywords, social media posts, and custom cover photos and graphics created by skilled designers: it’s all handled by a professional, so you can get back to running your business and living your life.

Contact Us

Want to know more about professional, SEO blogging services from Honey + Hare? Contact us today for a free consultation and estimate. Our job is to make your job easier, so we can send you a quick quote through email or have a get-to-know-you video chat. Just let us know!

Contact Honey + Hare today!